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Order Management

Seamlessly Manage Your Tool Requests, Dispatch and Tool Check-In

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Welcome to the Order Management feature of ToolWorks, your ultimate solution for efficient tool tracking and inventory management. With Order Management, we have streamlined the process of handling field requests, order dispatch, and walk-in ad-hoc orders to make your tool tracking experience easier and more effective than ever before.

Order Dispatch: Swift and Efficient Fulfillment

Tired of the hassle of sorting through tool orders manually? Say goodbye to that frustration! Our Order Dispatch feature revolutionizes the way you fulfill field orders. With a lightning-fast scan and dispatch routine, you can breeze through your order fulfillment process.

Here's how it works: As you scan and pick up each tool for an order, ToolWorks automatically presents the next tool on the list, allowing you to fulfill the entire order in a single go. This not only saves you time but also reduces the chances of errors that can arise from manual tracking.

Additionally, our tool room staff can effortlessly indicate if a tool is out of stock or add essential comments related to the order. With these capabilities at your fingertips, you'll always be in control of your tool inventory and ensure smooth order fulfillment.

Ad-hoc Orders: On-the-Spot Fulfillment

Sometimes, you need to fulfill orders on the spot, without the luxury of a formal request. That's where our Ad-hoc Orders feature shines. Whether it's a walk-in order or an immediate need that arises, ToolWorks empowers your tool room staff to swiftly fulfill these orders.

The process is simple: Just scan the required tools, input the user details, and dispatch the order. No need to navigate complex menus or time-consuming processes. ToolWorks makes ad-hoc order fulfillment a breeze, enhancing your responsiveness and efficiency.

Tool Check-In: Effortless Return Management

Returning tools should be as straightforward as borrowing them, right? With ToolWorks' Tool Check-In feature, we've simplified the check-in process for returned tools.

Field users can return tools to any location, regardless of where they were initially issued. Our app takes care of the rest: it automatically transfers the tool from the issued location to the designated return location. This eliminates the confusion and ensures that your tool inventory is always accurate and up-to-date.

In a nutshell, Order Management within ToolWorks is your answer to simplified, efficient, and accurate tool tracking and inventory management. We're here to make your work life easier, so you can focus on what truly matters. Say goodbye to manual order sorting and hello to a streamlined, automated process that saves you time and reduces the chance of errors.

Join the ToolWorks family today and experience the future of tool tracking and inventory management.

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