AI Powered Mobile Tool Management Software

Reduce Cost, Track Tools and Manage Inventory

Why you should consider ToolWorks for your tool tracking and inventory management needs?

  • Reduce Cost

    Reduce your indirect cost by keeping accurate count of tools on hand and out in field. Without a system in place to track tool, you can easily end up with tons of inventory at the end of a job that you might have to liquidate and could impact profit.

    Keep your field staff in field

    Our AI powered mobile app empowers field user to take actions in field, rather then having to return back to trailer to perform task at desktop!

    No Specialized Training

    Complicated software require training field users and end up costing both in productivity and low app usage. We have build our application so that users don't need any specific training. If they know how to shop online, they will know how to order tools, it is that simple!

    No Barcode? No Problem!

    Track tools using simple labels. Our AI powered scanner can read label and look up tools, saving time and cost involved in bar coding thousands of items!

  • Track Tools And Equipment

    Do you know where you tools are? Keep track of tool ownership and prevent tool hoarding.

    Quick Field Ordering

    Everyone knows how to order online. We bring that same experience to ordering tools. Just browse for required tool, add desired tool and place order, like any other online shopping experience, no special training required.

    Easy Field Transfer

    Tools handoff happen. Rather then condoning it or worse just ignoring it, let system take care of it and keep accurate tool ownership records. User can easily request tool transfer from colleague with same familiar tool ordering experience.

  • Manage Inventory

    Know exactly how many tools are on hand and in which place across you entire organization.

    Fulfill Field order

    Enable tool store staff to easily fulfill tool order using mobile app. Open any order and utilize our AI powered fast scanner to quickly fill order.

    Walk-in Order

    Tool store staff can also fulfill any adhoc walk-in orders by quickly scanning all needed tools in one go using our Adhoc Order functionality.

    Just-In-Time Tool Reordering

    Know when tool inventory are running low and let store staff reorder and ensuring availability of critical tools.

    Pre create Draft Orders

    Create orders ahead of time and efficiently tackle morning rush of new hires!

  • Location Management

    Organize and manager all your locations. Location Management supports hierarchy to model real world.

    Easily see tools at a location and assign user to location.

    Store to Store Transfer / Tool Requisition

    Prevent unnecessary tool inventory build up by knowing exact inventory count by location and facilitating tool transfer from one location to other rather than ordering new tools.

  • Mobile Apps

    Work On the Go!

    Use our AI powered Android and iOS mobile app to scan Barcodes or read text and let tool store staff quickly fulfill orders. Field User can instantly look up needed items and place order, right from phone. No more execuse to return back to trailer to perform operation at desktop, empower field users to take actions in the field.

  • Reports

    Our extensive reports take all the guess-work out of important decisions, featureing Report for making decisions, konwing tool hoarders and orders by location.
  • Security on

    Customizable Security

    System comes with defaul set of roles and rights, ready to go. But as everyones needs are different, you can customize any of existing roles by adding or removing rights. Don't like existing roles, no issue, just create new ones that fit your requirements.
  • Configurable System

    While system is designed with most common configuration, you can change and configure majority of behavior. Our data driven system allows you to customize many aspects and make system mold to your workflow.