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Store Transfer Out - Give Tools

Store Transfer Out allows you to fulfill tool transfer request from other tool store or initiate direct tool transfer request.

Direct Transfer Out - Give Tools

  1. Navigate to Tools tab
  2. Find Tool and click Add To Cart, for all tools that need to be transferred
  3. In Cart, click Transfer, enter store details and click Transfer to directly transfer tools (without requiring acceptance). Alternatively, you can also click Create to create transfer request that will be accepted by receiving store.

How to Accept Tool Transfer

  1. Navigate to Store Transfers
  2. Find and select Ready Request
  3. Click Accept

How to Fulfill Tool Transfer Request

  1. Navigate to Store Transfers
  2. Find and select Pending Request
  3. Gather requested tools and click Ready

Note: This will notify requesting store staff that tools are ready to be transferred. Once transfer is done, they can Accept tools.

Additional Actions


You can select "Decline" if you don't want to transfer requested tools!