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Fulfill Order

Fulfill Fields orders that were created by users. This functionality allows tool store staff to add tools to orders place by field users.


  1. Select Dispatch Tab
  2. Pending filter will pre selected and shows all pending orders. Note: Pending orders are by default sorted by last updated date, from earliest to latest.
  3. Select an order to fulfill. This will bring up Fulfill Order view. You can see when order was created and by whom along with date requested, and tools or equipments to dispatch.
  4. To fulfill a particular item on Mobile, select the item to bring up Scanner. Item is shown at top for reference. Scan desired inventory. Once the inventory has been identified, Scan view will disappear, and you will be returned back to original fulfill order view.
  5. Alternatively, you can also manually add the desired inventory. Select Keyboard (top left corner) to bring up Add Tools view. On Desktop, when you select "Add Tools", you will we directly presented with Add Tools View. It should show you list of items with item preselected, ready to be added. Add or Remove as needed and when finished, select "Done".
  6. You will be back to Order View. Note that added item has now a green status bar with updated count (Fulfilled/Requested), indicating that it was added. You can select arrow to see actual inventory. You can also change quantity for Bulk and Consumables.
  7. If you will like to remove one the inventory items that you added, just swipe left or select Trash icon on Desktop and inventory will be removed.
  8. You can continue to fulfill rest of the order by scanning additional inventory.
  9. At any point, you can Save the current state. Saving order results in inventory being taken out of stock availability. You can continue with order or quit and return at a later time to complete the order.
  10. Once completed, select Ready to indicate that order is ready for pick-up!
  11. Optionally you can enter comments and job number to keep track of costing.

Additional Actions

Cancel Order

You also have option to Cancel the Order. You can Cancel order at any time while it is pending and/or is being fulfilled. Once cancelled, any add inventory is returned back to stock. If you later change your mind, you can "Undo" and return order to Pending state.

Out Of Stock

If you can not fulfill any of the items requested, mark order as Out Of Stock to indicate at entire order can not be fulfilled. You can only mark order as OOS while it is empty. Once you add inventory, it can no longer be marked as out of stock.

Alternate Items

If the requested item inventory is not available, you can substitute that with alternate inventory. To add alternate inventory, select "Add additional Tools that were not requested".

Partial Fulfillment

System allows order to be partially fulfilled and mark as ready for pickup. This is done so that you can provid needed inventory on time, even if one or more items are not available at time of fulfillment. User can request unfulfilled items again or you can create Ad-hoc order and fulfill them when inventory is available.