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Help / How To

Check Out Tools

When a field personal walks up to tool store with list of tools, you can fulfill their request and checkout tools to them as follows:

Mobile App

  • Start ToolWorks app and login
  • Click Dispatch tab (on bottom bar) admin-dispatch
  • Click + in top right corner to create Adhoc Checkout Order admin-dispatch-create
  • Click Check Out To and find field personal checking out using employee first name or last name or email, and select employee admin-dispatch-create
  • Click Add Tool and scan tools requested by field personal, keep scanning tools till you have added all requested tools. admin-checkout-add-tool-1
  • Click Done when you have collected all tools admin-checkout-add-tools-done
  • Click Checkout to check-out and assign tools to the field personal admin-checkout-final
  • Quick 30 Sec Video


  • Login to site and navigate to Dispatch
  • Click Create Order
  • Click Check Out To and find field personal checking out using employee first name or last name or email, and select employee
  • Click Add Tools, search for tool and click Add.
  • continue to search and Add tools till you have added all tools requested by field personal
  • Click Done
  • On the main New Order view, adjust quantity if needed for Bulk/Consumables
  • Click Checkout to check-out and assign tools to field personal